Construction is a high-risk work environment and requires trained and competent people and a robust system to ensure workers return home safely. The systems and processes have to be more then just compliance and more about proactively managing risks and hazards to ensure the workplace is injury free.

Safety leadership is imperative to fostering the correct culture in an organization. This is important through line Supervision and the guidance and support given by the Safety Manager and leadership team.

ACG has a dedicated Safety Manager and a mature HSEC Management System including Policies, Procedures, SWMS and Safe struct rules etc. These systems provide structure, hazard assessment tools and guidelines for work crews to operate within.

ACG’s Supervision are experienced trade-based professionals that have first-hand knowledge and experience of the works we undertake and are dedicated in ensuring safe work practices are followed to Company OHS rules, guidelines and expectations.

  • Policies

    ACG has a mature HSEC Management System including Policies, Procedures, SWMS and Safestruct rules etc. These systems provide structure, hazard assessment tools and guidelines for work crews to operate in a hazardous construction environment, to a safe and high standard.

  • Safe-Struct Rules

    ACG has a set of work rules that encompass fatal risks to set the ground rules around high risk task to ensure all our employees understand the hazards and are not putting themselves at risk. These rules are known as the "Safe-Struct" rules.

Acg safety statistics as OF DECEmber 2024